October 2022
KreaDoe 2022 (Craft Fair)- Pixel 2 Mix as a guest at Pera & Pasha
Christmas Elves - Frogs -/Gnomes * Pixel 2 Mix
In October 2022 I was allowed to be a guest for two days with my crocheted friends at the KreaDoe at the Pera & Pasha stand. (Stand 08.D019). I'm sorry if I didn't see you then, but who knows, maybe I'll see you next time!
On the Craft Fair, called KreaDoe 2022 in the Netherlands were to be seen:
Ella & Elbert - The Christmas Elves
Katja & Kareltje - The Frog Wedding Couple
Gnomes - Kai & Kiki (Xmas) and Gertruida & Gert (Easter)
March 2022
CB's Creations
More information about the interview Pixel 2 Mix -Homemade Crafts- / Marja Hermes recently had with Claudia Bierau's CB's Creations (March 2022). CB's Creations
November 2021
Special VIPP afternoon at Pera & Pasha
Especially for VIPP members, Pera & Pasha from Pijnacker / the Netherlands organized a 'special' VIPP afternoon on November 28, 2021. I (Marja Hermes) from Pixel 2 Mix -Homemade Crafts- was present and also Niki Peeters from the well-known 'Ik ben Bir ' books / designs and her latest book 'Eten voor Knuffels Haken'', but also Mr. Cey, Dendennis and Mr. Knitbear. It was certainly a super successful, pleasant afternoon. Here are some impressions:

Marja Hermes
Pixel 2 Mix
-Homemade Crafts-

Pixel 2 Mix
Hi-Di-Hi Who am I?

Niki Peeters
Eten voor Knuffels Haken

Pera & Pasha Team
The Biggest Present of 2021
'Het vergeten kind'

Niki Peeters
Real Life:
Eten voor Knuffels

Designers-team from left to right:
Oscar de Bruyn, Mr. Cey, Niki Peeters,
Marja Hermes, Mr. Knitbear, Dendennis

Mr. Knitbear & Dendennis
Schotelvodden en ander Keukengebrei
June 2020
Hi-Di-Hi Who am I? Collectie op YouTube
Marja from Pixel 2 Mix -Homemade Crafts- and Oscar from Pera & Pasha are showing
you crocheted cuddle toys of the Hi-Di-Hi Who am I? See collection. (June 18, 2020)